Quick Start of CTAccel Image Processor ( Lepton ) for AWS Cloud
Introduction of CTAccel Image Processor (Lepton) for AWS Cloud
CTAccel Image Processor (Lepton) for AWS Cloud(hereinafter referred to briefly as CIP_ Lepton for AWS Cloud) is available as an Amazon Machine Image on the Amazon Web Services Community AMIs. CIP_ Lepton for AWS Cloud is an FPGA-based image processing acceleration solution that can help you greatly improve the performance of image processing by transferring computational work-load from CPU to FPGA. CIP_ Lepton for AWS Cloud can benefit you by increasing image processing throughput, reducing computational latency and reducing TCO.
How to get the AMI of CTAccel Image Processor (Lepton) for AWS Cloud
Step1: Choose AMI
To choose the AMI, please visit the Amazon Web Service Community AMIs by clicking here. In the search bar that appears, please enter “CTAccel_Image_Processor”, and press Enter. At the top of the search results you will see the AMI (ID:06f52b7b), then please click the “Select” button on the page.
Step2: Choose Instance Type and Launch
In this step, you need to choose the right instance type, please filter them by select the “FPGA instances”, then choose the type of “f1.2xlarge” by click the box on the left part of the page.
As for step3 to step6, you can either directly use the default value of the system or modify them as you want.
Then we can click the button of “Review and Lunch” at the bottom of the page, and it will jump to the step7, please review the information of AMI and instance type, then click the button of “Launch” at the bottom right.
How to get the License of CTAccel Image Processor (Lepton) for AWS Cloud
To get the license, you need to send the information of “Instance ID” to us by email.
You can visit the AWS EC2 Instance by click here. Then please click the “Instances” option in the menu bar on the left, after that, choose your “f1.2xlarge” instance, then you can see your Instance ID. Please send the information of “Instance ID”, the start time and end time of use to info@ct-accel.com , we will respond in one working day.
How to use the License of CTAccel Image Processor (Lepton) for AWS Cloud
After you get the license, please use the command in the up red frame to install the license. After that, please use the command in the middle red frame to ensure you are successful until you see the red words. Then you can restart your instance by the command in the third red frame.